Last Tuesday evening, I was privileged to see the video/film: The Privileged Planet . . . in spite of the back-of-head-and-shoulders air conditioning besieging me and my spouse from the moment we entered the auditorium, plus sexually-harassing assault of some mopheaded and sleevesless female audience visitors IMPOSING their [non-solicited] aforementioned immodesty in my eyesight view of the movie screen - both of which hastened my escape away from the auditorium at the end of the video consequentially disabling us from participating in the follow-up discussion.
The Privileged Planet was a very enlightening, graphically-rich and sensibly-illustrated scientific dissertation with named male experts (many associated with NASA) in astrobiology, astrophysics, and celestial philosophy, etc. commenting throughout the video on both:
For example, the correctly-sized Earth (with corresponding correctly-intense gravity) with specific-metallic molten core in size and composition (resulting in precisely-sufficient magnetic field protecting us from devastating ionic solar and cosmic over-radiation) perfectly consistent in precisely-correct orbit CLOSE enough to the correctly-DISTANCED correctly-SIZED correct-TYPE Sun (to prevent global freeze-up) yet FAR enough away (to prevent one-hemisphere-always-facing-the-Sun rotational lockup) has the overall cumulative effect of enabling continued lifeform existence within a life-sustainable surface-and-atmospheric-temperature moderation.
Earth's four-seasons-facilitating correctly-tilted axis and consistent rotation is maintained in part by a correctly-SIZED and correctly-DISTANCED Moon . . . all of which are precisely within the correct place in a correct-type galaxy to preclude instant vaporization from sudden neighboring supernovas and far enough away to prevent annihilation by devastating black holes.
Terrestrially, the correct-percentage combination of mostly nitrogen, substantial oxygen, and minute amounts of carbon dioxide and other gases of just the right amount of pressure is vital for lifeform development and sustenance, and protects such lifeforms from potentially-catastrophic meteoric bombardment.
Copious amount of liquid and atmospheric water, yet not flooding liveable land areas, is also absolutely mandatory for lifeform well-being and satisfaction.
NO other known (or probably not-yet-known) planet in the entire Universe is EXACTLY suitable (whether in the long term OR short term) for human and animal life as we know it.
Note very carefully my deliberate use of the word: EXACTLY. ANY of even the SLIGHTEST variations from the PERFECT parameters of Earth would - probably sooner rather than later - result in extinction not only concerning humans on planet Earth but all other lifeforms thereon.
And, concerning (not "regarding") interplanetary travel even with our own Solar System (let alone considering deep-space ventures), remember that there are no Walmart nor hardware stores out there in outer space. Temporary (and vital!) life-support paraphenalia WILL break down eventually (and earlier than most think), and then without quick re-supply of crucial physical resources (not only food, water, and air) exclusively from and only obtainable on Earth, repairs and revitalization would clearly be impossible, with the added complication of prohibitive costs transporting such soon enough at such astronomical distances in such inhospitable conditions for attempts at in-time rescue -- all doomed to the realistically-dismal prospect of inevitable lethal failure . . . as most of Earth's inhabitants fool around with welfare-dependent indolence and mundane everyday incidentals, wasteful sexual lusting and suspicions and weariness, monetary greed, political pomp and bickering frequently morphing into genocidal violence, fights, and even major wars against each other.
The consistent orbiting-electrons-based phenomena of myriad electrical force fields of correct voltages and amperages within and around lifeforms result in consistent emission of the entire electromagnetic spectrum: a very narrow red-to-violet area of visible light which photosynthesis and ocular observation requires - which simultaneously enables sometimes-intelligent lifeforms such as ourselves to appreciate and explore that which is seen and available for exploration and utilization.
Which leads us to the final part of the movie.
Only briefly at the end of the video is the word "God" mentioned as relating to (of logical necessity) The Intelligent Designer without His identification name written and inscribed upon most of the physical objects of which our environment consists.
But, by inevitable logical progression characteristic of us sentient being, all of a sudden there is a leap from the scientifically-observed and scientifically-described beyond-coincidence beyond-emre-chance-probability natural phenomena to an insatiably-curious query into the philosophical (and again, of necessity: theological) 'why' and 'how come' of it all.
Now, the video is not to be FAULTED for this, as it only goes so far into theological references near the end, but then returns to its previous non-theological observation-of-nature format.
It is - however - legitimate, under certain circumstances and situations, to continue on into speculation about the MEANING and WHY of it all (but which is usually NOT done in sometimes-aversive-against-religion non-relegation to theological-and-thus-supernatural-realm-diversionary mathematical equations along with semantical formation and application of long-Latin-named descriptions simply myopically concentrating only upon intricate details and interrelated processes relating to measurable and observable physical attributes of what is specialized upon in biology, physiology, microbiology, and so on).
But even in public and private-schooling natural-science disciplines and academic classes thereof, it is both legal and expected to integrate seamlessly into theological perusals and postulations. . . instead of ludicrously presuming (not "assuming") that anti-theologically observing and describing natural phenomena are as far as real and genuine respectably-educated-and-enlightened scientists are allowed to venture into and ponder.
After all, there is SO much which is SO intricate, SO massive, SO extensive, SO orderly, SO imaginative, SO interdependent, SO consistent, and yet SO uniformly simple in terms of a few mathematical equations (like E=mc2 if you'll bear with my squared-less typewriter) . . . that delving into further contemplation is inevitable for us always-searching, forever-questioning, fascinatingly-intrigued, rabidly-curious, dangerously-exploratory, sometimes-intelligent lifeforms. [Incidently, about that last statement, we rationally-minded are not of the immentality to ridiculously search for answers by means which understandably appear lethal to us, like jumping off a cliff, drinking poison, electrocuting ourselves, etc. to find life's deepest answers].
By logical and deductive logic, OPEN-minded and NON-prejudiced TRUE scientists (non-polluted with clearly-lunatic pseudo explanations such as those spouted by spoofs like Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy and similar tripe coming over the History or Military cable channels) ARE QUITE allowed to speculate on both:
(1) the ORIGIN of natural phenomena now existing, and
(2) the INTELLIGENT DESIGN of natural phenomena now existing.
That of course eventually leads into wonder about an Originator and Intelligent Designer. Such profound endeavors are pursued by the non-biased who the sane can legally claim as "intelligent" themselves.
Not only that, but the search continues into the identity and attributes of Whatever (or better yet: Whoever) intelligently designed it all, and what was Its (or better yet: His) purpose in designing such. The "Divine" characteristics and intentions of that "Creator" or Supreme Power or Omnipotent Entity can then perhaps be ascertained by what that Creator created.
Isaiah 45:18 For thus says the LORD, who created the heavens (he is God!), who formed the earth and made it (He established it; He did not create it a chaos, He formed it to be inhabited!): "I am the LORD, and there is no other."
Colossians 1:13 He has delivered us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,
14 in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
15 He is the image of the invisible God, the first-born of all creation;
16 for in Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or authorities -- all things were created through Him and for Him.
17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Hebrews 1:2 . . . but in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son, whom He appointed the heir of all things, through whom also He created the world.
Hebrews 1:10 And, "You, Lord, did found the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of Your hands."
The previously-stated quotes came from THE ONLY Book which [believably] identifies and names that Creator/Designer Entity as: "God" and "the LORD" and "the Son of God, Jesus" - and that is: THE HOLY BIBLE.
Before any rebellious and asinine donkey's rectal opening flies off in a vehemently spiteful and hatefully-condemnatory anti-religious rage and tirade of quasi-murderous hostility, be it known that other sources who have borrowed from, stolen from, non-maliciously copied from, maliciously copied from, quoted from, been influenced by, of and within all sorts of cultic and kosher religions . . . have also identified the Creator as "God" and "the Lord."
NO one who is an INFORMED genuine SCIENTIST can nor should disregard The HOLY BIBLE when it gets to an analysis and elaboration on both the ORIGIN and the INTELLIGENT DESIGN of [created] natural phenomena perceived with at least the five physical senses. The Bible turns out to be "the only game in town" as THE TOTALLY-congruent-with-nature credible explanation of what we see and feel in and of natural phenomena both visible and invisible.
Some mentally-inadequate and woefully-dull-of-mind might (not "may") arrogantly and mindlessly retort against both The Bible and Christians applying Scriptural discourse of and about natural phenomena that: "that's only their OPINION."
Well, so WHAT?
Does THAT make saintly declarations INVALID and WRONG?
A tree is a tree - whether one admits it is or not - or attempts to disqualify the obvious veracity of declaring a tree to be a tree simply with the lame slander of that declaration "only" being "one's personal opinion." A plethora of other analogies could be put forth, but I hope the reader gets the main and important idea without needlessly belaboring the point.
In summary, SCIENTIFIC observations and descriptions (whether in COMPLEX DETAIL using sophisticated equations and typically-advanced-Latin semantics, or not) of natural phenomena can temporarily be limited to that only . . . OR . . . SCIENTIFIC observations and descriptions (typically using some theological linguistics) can ALSO include the Biblical additions when exploration continues on to both the ORIGIN and the INTELLIGENT DESIGN of what is scientifically seen and felt existing within and around intelligently-designed scientists who indeed are intelligent with a truly-and-admirably-intelligent (not obnoxiously-moronic nor divisively-idiotic) mindset.