Before the Creator (commonly referred to as: "God")
created humans, there were NO eyewitnesses as to exactly how and at what times during the days of Creation Week that Creator did it: NO films, videotapes, DVDs, photographs, slides, sketches or drawings.
There were NO newscasters, newsreporters, radio nor TV broadcast documentaries nor newsprint magazines nor newspapers.
We ONLY have the five-sense-perceivable physical natural phenomena and entities thereof created by that Creator....PLUS:
We have that HUMAN-authored "second-hand" account in the historical-record Sacred-66-books Judeo-Christian Holy Bible - no less) from various Bible-Book human authors and those down through the decades and centuries and millenia who perpetuated their clearly-enlightened-and-inspired claims, testifying that God communicated with them however and wherever and whenever, or automatically put origin-record ideas into their minds as to how and when God did it all - before any humans came into existence.
Even Jesus in the New Testament quoted such 'second-hand-account' authors as having declared etched-in-stone facts.
When encountering and confronting pro-evolution sources...
those sources frequently imply:
1. Believe evolution is true and is science because I said so, and do not disobey me, because I am in charge and in authority over you.
2. Believe evolution is true and is genuine science because you must submit to "educational" peer-pressure conformity to not be ostracized by your educrat playmates (which is the same factor involved in lewdly committing and not performing porn-in-motion misdressing immodestly for warm weather or sports, getting addicted to smoking, getting drunk with alcohol or narcotics, and/or uniting in a gang to impose vandalism and then try to get away with it).
3. Believe evolution is true and is real science because you do not know that much about it, and I deceitfully claim I do instead - concocting made-up anti-Biblical claims I cannot give proof for nor substantiate.
4. Believe evolution is true and is "commonly-accepted" "foregone-conclusion-proven" science because you don't want to appear religious nor be chided for being a holy and sacred saint for Jesus Christ.
5. Believe evolution IS true and IS science because I am and will relentlessly repeat the heretical and apostate anti-Biblical evolutionist lie and if I do it often enough and you keep reading it, you will believe it by default, as a despicably-accursed overwhelmingly-duressed retard.
There are many mindless who say that things around them, gradually during miliions and billions of years, magically and mysteriously, all of a sudden simply appeared by themselves.
Creationists also believe that things at least started to come into existence all of a sudden......even (more or less) out of nowhere:
Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the world was created by the Word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear.
Genesis 2:19 So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.
Not only that, logically-rational creationists assume (and understandably so) that extremely-complex things came into existence already assembled completely, already-fully-functioning, and as adults and not offspring (pertaining to lifeforms), being that the chicken clearly came before the egg.
Getting back to irrational absurdities of evolutionist blatterings, concerning the ridiculousness of the phrase environmental objects and phenomena came into existence "by themselves:"
By themselves things came into being? Created objects intelligently designed themselves?
So the Designer is the designed themselves? And the designed have a mind of their own to create themselves?
It's a great proof for evolution. And red means green. (?)
In all seriousness, they did NOT start themselves by themselves.
So what or who designed and/or created them?
Goofhead secular atheists and evolutionists might quickly declare that "they do not know."
So then, no one knows for sure - by implication? AND, they do not really want to find out nor discover any valid answer pertaining to that, but are falsely self-"wise" in their stupid and despicable, self-imposed, "I-don't-know," non-admirable ignorance.
Always remember that there are more than a trillion ways to do things wrong, but actually only one way to do things correctly, as for example, when typing in only one certain specific upper-case/lower-case alphanumeric BIOS passcode into your computer to get into it!
The reason that most evolutionist end up claiming lack of [definitive] knowledge as to how it all started and who started it all, and therefore are non-scientifically closed-minded and prejudiced-against-Christianity bigots, is that they probably have been and perhaps yet are quite aware of the existence of the detailed-enough Scriptural account of origins in The Holy Bible (particularly in Genesis) and have deliberately and thoughtlessly cast it off for accusatorily-judgmental-and-intolerant, non-thinking dishonest and mean-spirited deceptive presumptions.
Paul, in Romans 1:19-22, put it this way:
For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. Ever since the creation of the world his invisible nature, namely, his eternal power and deity, has been clearly perceived in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse; for although they knew God they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools,
In Second Peter 3:5-6, the apostle continues with:
They deliberately ignore this fact, that by the word of God heavens existed long ago, and an earth formed out of water and by means of water, through which the world that then existed was deluged with water and perished.
Hence my intense love of rainbow-colored emblems. Rather than blasphemously misusing it to promote homosexuality, yours truly considers it an honor and my duty to exhibit rainbow colors as much as possible, with the explanation that God the Creator gave us the rainbow and rainbow colors as a promise that He would never again destroy a hopelessly-polluted world of aggressively-antisocial homoperverts with a Global Flood.